I hope that you all have a great Halloween today!
I thought I would just share a couple of photos from our weekend!
We went to a Halloween Party Saturday night!
We brought the cutest little pirate, princess and lion that we could find.

Matthew didn’t know what to think of his costume, lol!

But the left it on most of the night.

Michael had been wanting to be a pirate since we went on a Pirate’s Cruse in Florida for his birthday.

My daughter dreams of being a princess every single day of her life, lol!

The kids had a great time! 

We did too!
My husband dressed up as a biker (don’t worry, the cigarette is fake) and I went as an 80’s girl. Like the hair? lol

Today, Michael dresses up for school and I was able to go into the classroom and take pictures. Then they had a little parade around the school and we going trick-or-treating in the office. Grace’s class with be dressing up as saints tomorrow for All Saint’s Day.
After my husband gets home today, we are going out trick-or-treating with my neighbors but I only want to stay out for like an hour. It is sooo cold here! Then we will come home and hand out candy. Actually, my kids don’t eat their candy, we give it out to the others. I know, I know…I am the meanest mom the world. I get them some Trader' Joe’s candy if they want a couple pieces of something but because we never eat any of that junk, they don’t really like it. I will have raspberries, strawberries and apples with homemade sugar-free dip that they will go nuts over. They will be just fine. They just like getting dressed up.
What are your Halloween plans?
Do you dress up? As what?
Do you have any family traditions?
Happy Halloween!

Speaking of candy and junk food, don’t forget to sign up for the Healthiest Loser Challenge today! We will be accepting challengers all week!!! Our first conference call is tomorrow at 9pm central time and we are extremely excited to get started!!! We have a huge support system to help you daily with your weight loss needs. Sign up below…