We Were Wanderers On A Prehistoric Earth from James W Griffiths on Vimeo.
Adapted from Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.
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Good morning!!! I am extremely excited about this post!!! Back by popular demand, one of my TOP Shaklee Specials are back for a limited time!!
This rocks!
I actually have 2 amazing deals!
Before I tell you the specials, check out what my clients said that are doing our Cinch Challenge! They are 2 months in and loving it!
I don't know if I'm more excited about our date night or the fact that I can fit back into a sexy prebaby dress :)
I weighed myself this morning and I'm PSYCHED!! 4 pounds down and…(drumroll) 1 size smaller!!! Yup, I'm wearing pants today that fit great and they're a 10! In a couple more weeks I'll have lots of 12-14's to donate!! YAY!
My personal goal was to maintain my weight during the Christmas holidays. To my surprise I had lost another pound by the 26th when I weighed in at Curves. The Cinch program works!
Down 5 pounds in 2 weeks and feel great...very energized!! This is the first plan I’ve ever done that actually works and keeps me feeling full. :)
For more success stories, click here.
Our First Special is our Body Transformation Pack!!!
This pack has everything you will need in a months supply to lose your unwanted fat!
The Cinch program isn’t just delicious – it’s easy to follow. Just replace two meals with your choice of shakes or meal bars, treat yourself to a snack and afternoon tea and take a metabolism booster with each meal. Add a healthy dinner and your day is complete. Just follow the plan.
This is what your pack incudes!
This is guaranteed to work or get your money back!
BUY 3 MONTHS…GET THE 4TH MONTH FREE (when placed on an autoship!!!)
Designed to help you to keep muscle you have, burn fat you don’t want,
and lose inches you don’t need. Clinically tested*. Customer proven.
And at less than $3 per meal, you’re looking at a leaner body and a fatter wallet. Bonus offer! Join with a Cinch Transformation Pack and get the Cinch Sampler Pack (an additional $100 retail value)
FREE!! Hurry Limited Time Only!
Order your Transformation Pack TODAY to get started on your New Year Health Goals!
I did this program and LOVED IT! As a mom, it gives me more energy and it’s so simple so I don’t need to think about what to eat next! Plus, it WORKS!
Here is my before.
After! After only 3 months!
Sarah also wrote about her story here!
After! After only 3 months!
Latoya wrote about her story here!
Claire wrote about her story here!
Here I am halfway to my goal….I actually had to buy new pants. Whoohoo! I went down 2 sizes and several inches! I feel so much better and have a lot more energy.
Andrea wrote about her story here.
Here is a comparison in the same clothes!
Kindra shared her story here.
What will your story be?
After you place order, you will be invited join our online community to help with your success! I want to help you every inch of the way!!
Not a member yet?
Join today with a $70 product order and get over $100 of Cinch Products for FREE!
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Thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia). Credit: Art Sowls, USFWS, via Wikimedia Commons. |
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Red arrow marks the Pribilof Islands. Credit: Aleut International Association. |
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Phytoplankton bloom around the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea. Credit: NASA image by Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, Goddard Space Flight Center, via the Earth Observatory. |
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Common murres (Uria aalge). Credit: Michael Haferkamp via Wikimedia Commons. |
[T]hat murres use different tactics when foraging on prey in different habitats and likely reflects the differences in diet noted during the same time period, with parents feeding their chicks small fish that could be caught near the colony while consuming krill and squid that are primarily accessible in deep waters, far from the colonies at night. There was, however, no significant difference in the rate of bird detections during the day and night, suggesting that both periods are important for foraging despite these different tactics. These results indicate that using only daytime observations of murres as an index of habitat use and foraging activity can significantly skew any results drawn from those data, underestimating the importance of deepwater habitats and making the calculation of accurate energy budgets impossible.
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Murres on nests, Pribilof Islands, Alaska. Credit: Allen Shimada NOAA/NMFS/OST/AMD via Flickr. |
The ability of murres to successfully track the abundance, density, and accessibility of prey that occurred at depths between 10 and 100 m (32 and 328 feet) raises questions about how they gather information to exploit these resources effectively, particularly at night. Birds could be directly detecting the prey using vision or chemosensory mechanisms. However, both would likely be inefficient for deep prey, and vision would not be effective at night when foraging activity is equal to daylight foraging activity.
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Murre. Credit: christopher.woo via Flickr. |
While the hypothesis that colonies function as ‘information centers’, where group members can learn the location of food by following successful foragers, has largely been discounted... there have been a number of studies showing that the detection of other predators that are already exploiting a prey patch, a process known as ‘local enhancement’, can be an effective foraging strategy... Local enhancement occurs in another species of murre, but its importance is dependent on the predictability of prey... Substantial experimental and at-sea data suggest that local enhancement works whenever feeding groups are more conspicuous than food patches... which is likely to be the case for the deep prey observed here. The local enhancement hypothesis is supported by the prevalence of aggregation among acoustically observed murres... Whatever the reason for aggregating, murres in groups were spaced in a highly regular pattern with an average of 50 m between individuals, suggesting that, while grouped, birds may be attempting to avoid direct competition, a common cause of uniform spacing between individuals.
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Patchiness of prey and distribution of birds. Click for larger image. Credit: Benoit-Bird, et al. MEPS. DOI:10.3354/meps09408. |
Using this [fisheries acoustic] technique, we were able to observe the diving depths of individual birds, assess these dives in relation to [prey] patch size, density, depth, and type of prey both day and night, and show that birds on the surface were a good proxy for foraging effort taking place in a given area. The concomitance of these data is made possible by acoustic approaches and provides new insights into the predator−prey relationship. During the breeding season, diving murres in the southeastern Bering Sea show strong selection for prey patches with specific characteristics, and the high degree of overlap between murres and their prey at a range of scales shows effective information gathering about prey by these birds.
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Thick-billed murre. Credit: susanvg Susan van Gelder via Flickr. |
What are yours?
Thanks Missy! I love your words! What a great motivation going into the new year!
I also want to let you all know that I will be announcing my new Shaklee special (hopefully) tomorrow!
Tonight is the last night to get the FREE VIVIX SPECIAL! Click here to order!
Have a great night!
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New island born from volcanic eruption. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory. |
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Plate boundaries and volcanoes of Africa. Blue arrow marks location of new island near mouth of Red Sea. Credit: USGS map, modified. |
Running in a roughly northwest-southeast line, the islands poke above the sea surface, rising from a shield volcano. This region is part of the Red Sea Rift where the African and Arabian tectonic plates pull apart and new ocean crust regularly forms.
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Zubair Group on 24 October 2007. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory. |
I hope that you all had a great Christmas! We went to Christmas Eve Mass as a family and then opened presents from each other. On Christmas Day, we had a family breakfast, opened Santa’s gifts, hung out as a family and then went to my Mom’s house for the evening. I will post pictures soon!
What did you do?
We have been really busy with the house and I am excited to share some after photos.
I showed you here, that we had crown molding added to the kitchen and now I want to show you our room.
We used the 5 inch molding.
I really like how it turned out!
We had the hallway and foyer done too!
I liked how above our door turned out!
I want to replace this sign for a vinyl saying.
What vinyls do you like best?
Thanks for reading this post! Please follow me on facebook for more updates.
Have a great day! :)