Did you think our bedroom looked a little bare in the last post:
Yeah, me too.
So I added a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Romantic touches here and there.
Like these crewelwork framed pieces passed down from two generations. They add a sweet vintage touch:
And this darling purse belonged to my grandmother who recently passed away.
Whenever I dress up I really do use it. It always makes me think of her and the elegance she exuded.
Do you dress like your house? I do. At least conceptually. Simple with a feminine twist… that’s me.
I used an old battery crate turned upside down to serve as an ottoman. The chair is from Wisteria:
Oh, and I painted the bed on a complete whim. I woke up one morning and decided it needed to be our island color.
But now I think it’s a little too light. And not quite right.
But good enough for now.
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