When we moved into this home, the front doors were glass from top to bottom.

We ordinarily wouldn't mind this, except whenever anyone came to the door they were greeted by a hundred dirty hand and paw prints along with two barking dogs. The glass doors were not working for us. We looked into buying a new set of doors, but double doors were incredibly expensive...especially the kind we would want. Our solution:
We glued beadboard to the glass with Liquid Nails construction adhesive to create a custom look. Ha. Well, the truth is, we weren't sure if the glue would hold. It was a risky experiment, but time has shown Liquid Nails holds just about anything...including wood to glass. We left the top open glass.
I used an old Target Shabby Chic brand shower curtain to make little curtains for privacy. I love the swiss dots and embroidery. The light plays off the pattern so nicely.
And I love when the breeze catches the curtain just so.
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