Some emails about our Millie sprung up after she modeled our sofa the other day. She is the newest baby around here at 6 months old. Millie is a Long-Haired Mini Dachshund. She's a Red Dapple female and looks like she brushed up against some white paint, thanks to her blond daddy.

Kim, from the wildly popular blog, Dear Daisy Cottage, also has a Long-Haired Dachshund whose name is Maggie. I just love seeing pictures of Maggie. Kim has inspired me to include our dogs in more of my photos. I used Millie as a prop on the sofa shot and she obliged by circling around a few times before snuggling down. But she most definitely prefers laps.

Our floor also appears painted. It is actually a Pergo laminate floor! Unfortunately one can no longer purchase this particular line in the U.S. I'm not even sure of the name of it anymore. We tried replacing some pieces of it and found out it was discontinued in the U.S. and it's now only sold in Europe. But I've seen some look-alike ones floating around. It is the most practical floor, believe it or not.

Our floor also appears painted. It is actually a Pergo laminate floor! Unfortunately one can no longer purchase this particular line in the U.S. I'm not even sure of the name of it anymore. We tried replacing some pieces of it and found out it was discontinued in the U.S. and it's now only sold in Europe. But I've seen some look-alike ones floating around. It is the most practical floor, believe it or not.
It has the look of white painted wood, but worn and scuffed and dirty painted wood.
Perfect for our busy family with Millie and friends.
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