Yes. New Jersey. You never knew New Jersey looked like this.
Did you?
This house is in Bernardsville, one town over from where I grew up. My perception of New Jersey was a combination of rolling hills, trees, beautiful estates, horse farms with wooden farm fencing with elegant barns. So when I grew up and moved on to other states, I was befuddled at the disgusted looks I got after I told people where I was from.
Sure, there are parts of New Jersey that are pretty horrible, but isn't that true of anywhere? A LOT of the state is absolutely gorgeous. Trust me, it's true! The only reason we aren't still there is because of the incredibly high property taxes... and okay... my husband is a southern boy through and through, and he just couldn't get past the "direct way" of communicating there. New Jerseyans and New Yorkers aren't much for small talk, have your heard?
So... let's get right to the point of this post shall we?

This house is quite enchanted. It is set in the beautiful Bernardsville Mountains. It is likely the weekend home of some wealthy Manhattan high powered executive. There are a lot of those types in Bernardsville. Hansel and Gretel live here the rest of the week, I'm sure of it.

Coziness abounds. This house does coziness like no other.

I love the triple set of french doors. I'm imagining what they lead out to.
How about something like this:

Looks like a far-away place in another world.
It's New Jersey.
I told you.

Can't you just hear the bull frogs serenading you at night?

If you are in the market for a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the big city, here is the listing.
Happy Friday to you!
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