I am really excited about this post, I just have to tell you an awesome story about how we got a whole house full of furniture and accessories!!!!
Well, first I have to tell you some history.
My Mother-in-Law moved to Iraq (for work) about 6 years ago and sold her house and everything it. Being married only a year at that point, Scott and I took everything that we needed. If you are just following me and don’t know by now, I like a great deal and love FREE!!!
Anyway, she moved back a couple of years ago and furnished her whole house with awesome brand new everything. I am talking Pier One, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel, The Great Indoors, etc.
she decided to move back to Iraq.
she doesn’t need all of that new furniture!
Does she?
So we gladly helped her out by taking it off her hands!!!!! Right? Lol.
Scott flew to Colorado (where she lived), packed up her WHOLE house, packed up the biggest U-Haul van there is and drove it back to Chicago (where we live) by himself. What a honey!
When he got back home, this is what I saw….
I know that it is hard to see in the picture, but it was LOADED!
My family came to look at my new goodies, help unload and re-decorate my home!
I really needed help! This was harder than just moving in because it was like two houses in one. I couldn’t just put something where I wanted it. I had to move what I already had. Not easy, but TOTALLY fun!
Here are some pics of the day.
That is our new king headboard.
Here is my bedroom in transformation.
Here is my mom and brother helping Scott with the new guest room bed.
Here is my new armoire. It comes with a 42 inch flat screen, score!
Here is the headboard in place.
Here is one of our new nightstands.
Everyone was working so hard. Thanks everyone!
When I said that my Mother-in-Law gave us everything, I mean EVERYTHING!!!
We got all of her new everyday and fancy Crate and Barrel dishes that I love along with every other thing you can imagine.
Here is our new dining room with a dinning table. And look at those cute lamps!
We had a lot of unpacking to do! So fun for me!
That was the last box. Man, did they work hard (and fast, there was a game starting that they didn’t want to miss.)
But rhen our house, basement and garage were packed.
Here are the guys taking a little break on our new sectional couch.
Now the game is on, haha!
Now, the REAL work begins!!!!
Us girls had to put it all away. Or at least as much as we could that night.
We had to organize and go through my entire kitchen and decide who stuff we were going to keep. Oh, decisions!
What a mess!
We just cleaned our basement and now it looks like this.
She had a lot of dishes.
She gave us two big flat screen TVs and one little one. We should not of bought ours, right?
Lots of bar stools.
I brand new patio set and other brand new items.
A new treadmill.
Here is another leather chair (folded) that I really wanted to replace the one we had (I showed you it in this post) but Scott still refuses to give up his big one.
And just a whole bunch of other stuff, way to much to mention.
So, that is how we got a whole house of free furniture.
We are really appreciative and thankful for everything that we have!
Thank you mom for EVERYTHING!!! We really love it!!!!
And thanks family for helping us unload and organize.
Bonnie :)
Please visit my online Shaklee site.
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