As if the girl's room didn't have enough pink, I went and added some more. At first when I saw these $30 night tables on Craigslist, I was thinking white.

The drawer pulls on top were broken, so I threaded fabric through for temporary handles. One day I'd like to purchase these darling knobs from Anthropologie.

They are a little spendy though, especially considering they cost almost as much as the tables themselves. But they'll definitely add the finishing touch.

We swapped out their table lamps with two swing-arm sconces we had in storage. I'm liking the practicality of them. We also added an old jute throw rug to provide a bit more texture to the room, and my old chippy white bench from childhood now sits at the foot of Middle Bear's bed.
Here is the before:
And after:
Not too drastic of a difference. Just a little more pink.
On the topic of children's rooms, you all need to go see what Erica Cook from Moth Design cooked up. It's a design blog dedicated to children's spaces. What an excellent idea huh? It's called "Little Moth"...big style for little people. SO sweet.
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