The other week while at Target, I came upon a Caldrea product display. It's not in the normal cleaning aisle, but rather near the kitchenware department. They have three fragrances in this lower budget line. Herbs of Provence, Citron Ginger, and Olive Oil. I like them all, but the favorite for me is Olive Oil. Thankfully, it smells nothing like olive oil. It's more of an herby/spa/fresh type scent. So far, I've gotten the candle and hand lotion. I would like to try the stainless steel spray and counter spray next.
Another new little find is an inexpensive dish detergent. It's made by Costco's brand, Kirkland. It has the most refreshing citrus scent and NOT a lemon-cleaner citrus like some other ones I've tried. It's so fresh and clean and eco-friendly to boot. And the color of the soap is perfect for displaying. I like it better than the more expensive brand I had been using. If you belong to Costco, I encourage you to peruse their dish soap aisle and take a whiff.
Cleaning never smelled so good. Mmmm.
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