Today, I thought you all might like to know how it came together. The room was done on the cheap. The most expensive things besides the wainscoting boards, were the metal hanger and peg board which came from Pottery Barn (a certificate I got for Mother’s Day). I just knew they would be perfect in here when I saw them:

And inside the hanger is what inspired the whole room, believe it or not. This spray bottle from TJ Maxx:

I fell in love with the vintage-like design and it just got my head filled with all sorts of ideas for the room. I really felt it jump started my vision.

The sink came from craigslist. It was in pretty bad shape, but instead of spending the money on hiring a professional to refinish it (like we did our kitchen sink), my husband sprayed it with a paint sprayer, using exterior high gloss metal paint. It turned out great! The faucet came from ebay.
My husband made the countertop with 2x4’s which he planed, biscuit joined and routed. We stained it with the same stain as our island.

We had to curve the counter inward to make the smallish sink accessible. I like the nook effect it created in the end.

The curtain is canvas drop cloth with a scrap of old curtain fringe on top. The dog’s beds are stored behind the curtain as well as the trash can. The Ikea galvanized can in front stores the dog’s food.

The galvanized bins on the shelf came from Lowes. They hold all the miscellaneous stuff that comes with a laundry room/storage room. And the bushel baskets on the wall hold the dirty laundry for the downstairs. My next post will show you how I lined them. Super easy. We painted the walls “Seashell Grey” which is a Valspar paint from Lowes.
If I missed any other details you are wondering about, let me know. Thanks for visiting once again!
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